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Innovation Circle: Assessing and strengthening the resilience of wheat supply chains in the Danube region

Innovation Circle: Assessing and strengthening the resilience of wheat supply chains in the Danube region


17. November 2022 9:30 11:00


Online, the link will be sent after registration


Free of charge for SMEs (less than 250 employees and less than 50 million euro turnover)

Registration Deadline

until 17th November

Maximum Capacity of Attendees

Max.30 Persons

Target Audience

Local data providers or organizations which already process supply chain and agricultural data (e.g., land use data)

Companies which are dependent on uninterrupted wheat supply chains (e.g., mills, food retail, animal food, food processors)

Stefan Fenz

Technical University Vienna

Kevin Mallinger

SBA Research

Michael Herburger

University of Applied Science Upper Austria

Innovation Circle: Assessing and strengthening the resilience of wheat supply chains in the Danube region

Brief Description

As food supply chains are becoming more complex and globally connected, their vulnerability to environmental variability and socio-economic pressures increases. The effects of recent dynamics (e.g., Ukraine war, loss of Danube River supply chains/low water, loss of harvest due to climate stress) showed the vulnerability of shock propagation, spill overs, and simultaneous shock events. Recent research, policy and implementation in agricultural risk management practices have been emphasizing the importance of considering the cascading (indirect) impacts of extreme events and climate change impacts on food supply chains. However, the indirect risk assessments and the implications have not been adequately considered in agricultural risk management strategies. These indirect risks, however, are vital for the food supply chain resilience and can cause critical cascading effects for stakeholders and policy.
In this context, we want to discuss at this event the potential for a holistic approach in which economic, supply chain, corporate and national aspects are taken into account to ensure the resilience of the wheat-based food supply chain in the Danube region.

The program is part of the Digital Innovation Hubs in Austria and funded by FFG.

Learning Outcomes

Building a network of target group partners within the Danube region to gather the required data for mapping wheat-relevant resource flows, assess their risks, estimate potential losses because of environmental variability, and provide policy makers and stakeholders tailored information, communication, and decision support tools.

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